On Tuesday 23rd February, during Student Volunteering Week, I had the privilege of being invited to speak about my experience as a student volunteer at...
A Day in the Life: Youth Social Action Across Sectors
On BBC Breakfast this morning there was a story about a group of students at the RCA who had designed a coat for refugees that...
Student Solidarity Across Borders? Higher Education’s Historical Role in Assisting Refugee Communities
The ongoing refugee crisis unfolding across Europe has many commentators speaking of the ‘unprecedented’ nature of problems facing national authorities, with many struggling to find...
ESDC Bristol: The Future of Student Involvement in Sustainable Action
Earlier this week, the Education for Sustainable Development Conference in Bristol brought together a range of higher education practitioners who work to increase student engagement...
Parliamentary Launch of ‘Service Nation 2020’ Demos Report
On Monday afternoon, I attended the launch of the new Demos report ‘Service Nation 2020’, hosted by the Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson MP...
#iwill, will you?
We’re sharing our pledge of support to #iwill, the national campaign promoting youth social action
The future of social action in universities: what can we learn from student leaders?
Generation selfie is dead; long live the millennials. A ‘values revolution’ is being driven by young people who value purpose over pay cheque. Then again,...
#UpForSchool: Rise up for education rights for all children
Education is the birth right of every child, but today there are more than 120 million children who do not go to school. When the...
Six steps to great social action
We’re still following the #iwill six quality principles across our programmes from Schools Plus to Engage for Change to Service Learning. Find out more about...
Our policy for fair and accessible internships for all
Internships are, rightly, under scrutiny at the moment. And, while at Student Hubs we do not advocate that internships are for everyone, we do believe...
Stepping up for social change: our pledge to you
This week marks the one year anniversary launch of Step Up To Serve, the Cabinet Office initiative patronised by HRH the Prince of Wales and...
History lessons that will inspire the future of our sector
Today, we are proud to be sponsoring the launch of a new study into the history of our sector: Dr. Georgina Brewis’ century-spanning A Social...
Step Up To Serve launch
Today sees the launch of the Step Up To Serve initiative – a government programme with the mission to double the number of young people...
SVW 2013: Volunteering and the Big Society
Student Volunteering Week is a nationwide celebration of student volunteering, taking place from the 11th to the 16th February. At universities all over the country...