Student Hubs has closed. Thank you to you all for your support, your engagement with social action, and your commitment to active citizenship.
Our legacy resources for universities, students and community organisations capture our learnings and reflections from the past 16 years to continue to support our mission of mainstreaming student social action.
Our mission
Our vision is a society in which every student participates in social and environmental challenges during their education, supporting them to become active citizens for life.
Our mission is to mainstream student social action.
Our double benefit
Our Theory of Change shapes all of our activities, ensuring they have a double benefit on both students and the communities we work with. Along with our organisational Theory of Change, all of our programmes have their own Theories of Change to support the delivery of their aims, outputs and outcomes.

Why students
University is a transformational time in a young person’s life. This is often the first time they are making key decisions in lots of different areas. From potentially living away from home for the first time, and figuring out how to manage a household, to managing their own budget, to exploring their interests and passions.

As such, it is an important time for embedding values, behaviours and habits which will last a lifetime – such as active citizenship.
We know that social action can support students to flourish. Not only are they getting to make positive change in the world, but they are meeting like-minded people, building their critical awareness and developing skills which will help them make change for years to come.
What we’re offering is the supportive, targeted and understanding social action opportunities students need, and deserve, in order to engage for the first time, and become a lifelong active citizen.